Brad Wall

Bach. Business, Advanced Dip Financial Planning, Certified Financial Planner

Senior Adviser, Partner and Director of Guide Financial

Brad Wall

Bach. Business, Advanced Dip Financial Planning,
Certified Financial Planner

Senior Adviser, Partner and
Director of Guide Financial

Bradley has a laid-back Aussie disposition that instantly draws people out and engage with them. Don’t be fooled though, behind the laid-back front is a very business-savvy mind with the highest industry accreditations. His passion for always learning from others and growing has built a strong positive culture in the business.

Brad began his career in financial planning in 1997 and founded the Guide Financial business over 20 years ago. He proficiently juggles the many balls involved in operating a financial advice firm. Many of his clients have had the benefit of his service for two decades and are grateful to have his informed perspective on the many situations’ life has thrown at them.

When he is not in the office, Brad is supporting one of his daughters in one of their varied pursuits in sports, academics, or the arts. And of course he occasionally gets to enjoy our beautiful coast with a surf at our amazing beaches, or a hit on the golf course with Marc.

He became a member of Australian Advice Network (AAN) in May 2015 when Guide joined this select cooperative network of financial planners. With AAN he is responsible for the network’s full compliance to ASIC’s Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) requirements. He is also a member of the Australian Financial Advice Association Australia (FAAA).

For more on Brad, download his adviser profile.

His Best Advice

The best advice Brad has ever received in business was to focus on ‘doing things right, the rest will come.’ That has worked well for us here at Guide Financial, says Brad.

“Personally, the best advice was ‘cashflow is king and understanding where your money goes is the key to achieving your goals’. I suppose this is why I love financial planning.”

“The best Investment advice I received was, ‘time and compounding interest are the 8th wonder of the world.’ Start early and commit to a long-term savings plan. Let time and compounding interest do the rest.”

A 25-year Perspective

Having provided financial services for clients for over years, Brad understands it’s a journey just like life. “There are curve balls that come your way when you least expect it. There is at least one global crisis of some sort every year. You can’t control the future, but you can have resolve about where you are heading.”

Rewarding Work

For Brad, helping people retire well is pretty special. Transitioning over a period time from a full-time worker to somebody that has no requirement to go to work each day can take a big change in mindset. “So for us, it’s not just about the financial side of thing, but also coaching our clients on being mentally prepared for the change, their new identity, and making the most of this new stage of their life.”

And on the Personal Side

Being with family and friends and outside having fun is what Brad values the most – quality time with his wife Fran, their three girls, his mates, and of course, the family’s Labradoodle, Millie.

For someone who has loved dogs all his life, a morning walk along the beach with Millie is the perfect way to start the day. Other favourite past times include surfing, golfing and snow skiing.

Brad also enjoys meeting people from all walks of life and learning from them. “As an information sponge there are many people and events that have shaped my life. I think you can never stop learning and, in this world, there are so many wonderful people willing to help you growth personally and professionally.”